Why blogging gives us anxiety

Sunday, April 26, 2009

When Nicole and I finally got our blog ready, it was one of the happier days in our marriage (ranked behind the time Maci took a three hour nap, but ahead of the time we got a free Bloomin' Onion at Outback).

Yet our new-found happiness was shattered with each attempt to post a new entry--

That's not funny enough.

No, no one really
cares about that.
That's not clever enough.
Maybe we should . . . No.
How about . . .? I do
n't know, never mind.

Classic Blogger anxiety.

But, as we learn in the Good Book, it's time to repent.

Therefore, in lieu of trying to be clever, funny, witty, intelligent, political, philosophical, ironical, ergonomical, and economical (time's being what they are), here are a few pictures of Maci.


Joshua Baron April 27, 2009 at 11:10 AM  

Awww. Keep up the good bloggin.

John and Heidi April 28, 2009 at 12:30 PM  

I love the pic in the diaper! She is adorable.

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