Booting on my Birthday

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Timeline: June 15, 2009

1:00 pm - ate lunch at magleby's fresh - ordered doc's truck stop: bread, beef, sauce, and mashed potatoes.

1:25 pm - ate "world famous" chocolate cake

1:30 pm - felt super full.

5:45 pm - discussed dinner plans with nicole. still feeling full.

6:30 pm - hit golf balls at Eastbay. started getting some high stomach crampies.

7:15 pm - while putting on the practice green, experienced a bout of nausea.

8:30 pm - nausea and cramps starting to come with increased frequency. hands began to sweat.

9:15 pm - mouth dried up.

9:16 pm - curled up in the fetal position. began praying. drank red gatorade.

9:45 pm - dry heaved three times in the bathroom. felt a little better.

10:24 pm - laid down in bed. prayers continue.

10:41 pm - woke up with the shakes.

10:42 pm - sprinted to the toilet. began dry heaves.

10:43 pm - puked.

10:44 pm - puked.

10:46 pm - puked.

10:47 pm - puked.

10:49 pm - puked.

10:50 pm - puked.

10:52 pm - puked.

10:54 pm - flushed.

10:55 pm - brushed.

11:00 pm - back in the fetal position in bed.


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